Each year this annual dinner honors survivors, humanitarians, and medical professionals for their commitment to raising awareness and supporting life-saving research. Join us next November to experience a very special evening to benefit Cancer Research & Treatment Fund (CR&T).

For more information, please contact CR&T at 212-288-6604 or events@crt.org.


The Board of Directors of Cancer Research & Treatment Fund, Inc. (CR&T)

cordially invites you to the 2024 Cancer Survivors Hall of Fame Dinner

Thursday, November 21, 2024

The Essex House 160 Central Park South, New York, NY

6:00 PM Cocktail Reception

7:00 PM Dinner and Awards

Cocktail/Business Attire


Please join us for a very special evening commemorating 56 years of achievement. This annual dinner honors outstanding cancer survivors, medical professionals, and humanitarians for their efforts to raise awareness and accelerate life-saving research. All proceeds benefit CR&T, enabling us to advance treatments and initiate cures for cancer.

Humanitarian Award: Richard T. Silver, MD,

Professor Emeritus of Medicine, Emeritus Director, Silver MPN Center, Weill Cornell Medicine, NY, Vice President & Medical Director, Cancer Research & Treatment Fund


2024 Cancer Survivor Honoree: Ruth Fein Revell, 

Health/Science Writer, Rare Cancer Patient Advocate





$8,000 – Contributor Package: Reception and Table for 10 guests. Special acknowledgment in CR&T newsletter.

$11,000 – Founder Package: Reception and Table for 10 guests. Silver page advertisement in the Dinner journal. Listing as Founder in all printed material. Special acknowledgment in CR&T newsletter.

$15,000 – Benefactor Package: Reception and Special Table for 10 guests. Gold page advertisement in the Dinner journal. Listing as Benefactor in all printed material. Special acknowledgment in CR&T newsletter.

$25,000 – Hall of Fame Package: Reception and Premium Table for 10 guests. Two-page spread in the Dinner journal. Signage and special listing in all printed material. Special acknowledgment in the CR&T newsletter and on website.



All tickets include Reception, Dinner, Entertainment

$800 – Contributor Ticket

$1100 – Founder Ticket



$1,100 – Silver Page

$3,000 – Gold Page


IMPORTANT: If purchasing a journal ad, either individually or as part of a package, please be sure to enter text in the comment box on checkout.